
11. Leistungskontrollen für Studierende

Die folgenden Tests dienen der Leistungskontrolle für Studierende. Die Leistungskontrollen befinden sich noch in der Testphase. Daher können Sie gerne probieren und uns eine Rückmeldung geben 😉


Test - 1. & 2. Medizinphysik-Experte

1 / 6

Markieren Sie die Bereiche in welche ein MPE Arbeitet?

2 / 6

Welche Wörter gehören in dem Fülltext über die DGMP?

DGMP steht für Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizin Physik.  Angeregt von Junge Medizinphysike  (jMP) und unterstützt von der Firma Elektra wurde DGMP in Jahr _____ ins leben gerufen. Das Ziel der DGMP ist es zu fördern, möglichkeiten zu bieten und sich mit erfahrenen Medizinphysikexperten auszutauschen.

Ein Mentee des DGMPs muss im _____ sein oder vor maximal _____ Jahren sein Abschluss gemacht haben. Ein/e Mentor/in muss mindestens _____ Jahre im Beruf sein.

3 / 6

In welchen Beriechen kann ein Medizinphysiker Arbeiten wenn er keine Fachkunde in Strahlenschutz hat ?

4 / 6

Folgt sind die Schritte welche für eine Weiterbildung zum MPE gebraucht werden.

A. Fachanerkennung in Medizinischer Physik - Nach DGMP, eine Bescheinigung die über die Fachkunde hinausgeht - Ablauf, Weiterbildungsordnung der DMPG und folgt der EFOMP.1.

B. Studium in Medizinphysik etc. oder ein Master Abschluss.

C. 2 Strahlenschutzkurse - Grund- und Spezialkurz aus den Anwendungsgebiet. Kenntnisse der Strahlenschutz nachweisen zu können.

D. Fachkunde - Berechtigt nach Röntgenverordnung/ Strahlenschutzverordnung zum Umgang mit radioaktiven Stoffen oder ionisierende Strahlung.

E. Sachkunde - Praktische Ausbildung erfolgt in Klinik/Praxis Vollzeitanstellung von 2 Jahren. Erlernt Fähigkeiten und fachliches Hintergrundwissen.

F. Weitere Fachkunden - nach erlangen von MPE Status erfolgen weitere Fachkunden durch 6-Monate Sachkunde und 2 Strahlenschutzspezial Kurse in dem Fachkunde Bereich.

Welche Reihenfolge ist Korrekt?

5 / 6

In der Zukunft werden Medizinphysiker eine große Verantwortung haben in der Zusammenarbeit von welchen 3 Bereichen?

6 / 6

Was sind einiger der Aufgaben eines MPEs?

Your score is


Test - 4. Strahlenschutz (Teil 1: Grundlagen)

[h5p id="72"]

1 / 17

Wie viele Elektronen hat ein neutrales Atom eines chemischen Elements mit der Ordnungszahl Z?

2 / 17

Die Kernladungszahl gibt an:

3 / 17

Die Elektronenschalen werden mit K-, L-, M-, ... -Schale bezeichnet. Welche Elektronen sind dem Kern am nächsten?

4 / 17

Welchen Betrag hat die Ruheenergie eines Elektrons?

5 / 17

Die SI-Einheit der elektrischen Ladung ist:

6 / 17

Was versteht man unter Ionisation?

7 / 17

Welche Energieeinheiten werden für die Kennzeichnung von ionisierender Strahlung verwandt?

8 / 17

Welche Strahlen sind Direkte Ionisierende Strahlen?

9 / 17

Welche Strahlen sind Indirekte Ionisierende Strahlen?

10 / 17

Welche Aussagen treffen auf Alpha-Strahlung zu?


11 / 17

Welche Aussagen treffen auf Beta-Strahlung zu?


12 / 17

Welche Aussagen treffen auf Gamma-Strahlung zu?


13 / 17

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Gamma- und Röntgenstrahlung?

14 / 17

Welche der folgenden Strahlungsarten lässt sich vollständig abschirmen?

15 / 17

Zur Abschirmung von Röntgen- bzw. Gammstrahlung ist besonders gut geeignet..

16 / 17

Was sind einige Schutzausrüstung und Maßnahmen im Strahlenschutz von Personen?

17 / 17

Welche Aussage über ein Strahlenschutzverantworticher/ -beauftragter ist Korrekt?

Ein Strahlenschutzbeauftragter ist eine natürliche Person, bei der keine Bedenken gegen deren Zuverlässigkeit bestehen. Diese Person muss die notwendige Fachkunde besitzen und den innerbetrieblichen Entscheidungsbereich an die Aufsichtsbehörde übermitteln.

Your score is


Test - 4. Strahlenschutz (Teil 2: Dosis)

1 / 19


Welche Dosisart kann mit der obigen Formel berechnet werden?

2 / 19

Energie Dosis (D) ...

3 / 19

Strahlungsenergie ...

4 / 19

Was ist die Strahlungsenergie von Sichtbareslicht?

5 / 19

Was ist die Strahlungsenergie von UV-Strahlung?

6 / 19

Was ist die Strahlungsenergie von Gamma-Strahlung?

7 / 19


Welche Dosisart kann mit der obigen Formel berechnet werden?

8 / 19

Effektiv Dosis...

9 / 19

Welche der folgenden Situationen hat die höchste Effektiv Strahlung?

10 / 19

Der Massenschwächungskoeffizient...

11 / 19

Äquivalentdosis (H) ...

12 / 19

Effektiven Dosis (Heff) ...

13 / 19


Welche Dosisart kann mit der obigen Formel berechnet werden?

14 / 19

Fluenz (Φ)...

15 / 19

Bequerel (Bq)...

16 / 19

Die Halbwertsdicke x1/2 ...

17 / 19


Welche Dosisart kann mit der obigen Formel berechnet werden?

18 / 19

Aktivität / Zerfallrate ...

19 / 19

Wo von ist die Schädlichkeit von Strahlung abhängig?

Your score is


Test - 3. Oncology

1 / 23

Mark all procedures that are regularly used for tumor diagnostics.

2 / 23

What are the two main Tumor Therapy approaches?

3 / 23

Which Statements regarding Curative Tumor Therapy are correct?

4 / 23

Which Statements regarding Palliative Tumor Therapy are correct?

5 / 23

A patient with breast cancer would get radiotherapy before surgery to reduce the Tumor size in advance. Thus the surgery will hopefully be a breast-conserving surgical treatment (partial mastectomy) instead of a radical mastectomy. After that she will get chemotherapy to destroy any possible remaining Tumor cells.

Which descriptions of the treatment kinds are correct?

6 / 23

What are the three Factors that need to be considered for Tumor Therapy?

7 / 23

There are three ways a Tumor can spread

Which statement describes Hematogen spreading?

8 / 23

The Three Pillers of Tumor Therapie are...

9 / 23

Which Illustration shows the following form of dysplasia?


10 / 23

Which Illustration shows the following form of dysplasia?


11 / 23

A 85 year old men with multiple underlying-deseases (cardio-vascular, several stent inplants) with T1N0M0 prostate cancer wants a decision regarding possible treatments. What do you think may be the best options?

12 / 23

Patient A suffers from a Tumor in the left lung which, according to the last examination, already penetrated the pulmonary pleurae (first layer of the outer lung membrane within the chest) of the tissue, which lead to an infestation of the surrounding Lymphnodes on one side. However, there are no signs of metastases yet.

Thus, according to the TNM coding, the Tumor can be staged as a...

13 / 23

Patient B suffers from a tumor in the right breast. The primary tumor already reached a diameter of 1.8 cm, but is still isolated within its surrounding membrane. There is no evidence for lymphnode-infestation or metastatic tissue.

By that, the tumor can be assumed as a ... tumor.

14 / 23

Patient C suffers from a tumor within his colon, which already penetrated the muscle layer, but is still bound by the subserosa. According to the latest diagnosis, there are no metastases or affected lymphnodes.

By that, the tumor can be assumed as a ... tumor.

15 / 23

Patient D also suffers from a tumor within his colon, but unlike Patient C, the tumor already penetrated the serosa. Unfortunately, there is clear evidence of lymphnode-infestation in the surrounding lymphnodes. The latest diagnose showed metastases in the stomach.

By that, the tumor can be assumed as a ...  tumor.

16 / 23

Patient E suffers from tumorous tissue growth within the brain, but according to the diagnosis, the tumor is not originated from the brain, stating that the abnormal tissue within the brain is metastatic tissue. Further diagnosis gave no clue on the primary tumor location or any corresponding lymphnode-infestation.

By that, the tumor can be assumed as a ... tumor.

17 / 23

The BRCA mutation, an hereditary syndrome, is known as increasing-risk factor for which of the shown cancer types?

18 / 23

The Lynch syndrome increases the risk for which of the shown cancer types?

19 / 23

Hemoptysis is a known symptom for which kind of Tumor?

20 / 23

Mark the 5 cancer localisations with the best prognosis.

21 / 23

Mark the 5 cancer localisations with the worst prognosis.

22 / 23

Which of the following cancer types can be diagnosed using a PSA screening?

23 / 23

The spinal cord compression is stated as a medical emergency and can originate from several sources. Which of the following cancer types below fit as such sources?

Your score is


Test - 5. Radiotherapy (Part 1: Basics)

1 / 13

Tumors are most commonly treated in three ways: What are they and which description is correct?

2 / 13

What is important when Radiotherapie treatments are repeated? What is the missing word?

The Patient  _____ must she the same during each treatment to insure the best results.

3 / 13

Name two technologies improving Tumour treatment:

4 / 13

Which Statements are correct regarding Fractionation?


5 / 13

What are the two ways that radiation damages cancer cells and that is the main goal?

6 / 13

What are the 4 R's of Radiotherapie?

7 / 13

What is meant by Reassortment concerning Fractionation in Radiotherapy? Select the most fitting answers.

8 / 13

Which of these statements concerning Repopulation (in the context of fractionation) is true? Select the most fitting answers.

9 / 13

Which of these statements concerning Repair (in the context of fractionation) is true? Select the most fitting answers.

10 / 13

Which of these statements concerning Reoxygenation (in the context of fractionation) is true? Select the most fitting answers.

11 / 13

What are some Supporting aids in Radiotherapie?

12 / 13

The following paragraph describes the basics of PET. Which order of words fits the blanks?

PET stands for Positron Emission Tomography, it is a combination of *nuclear* medicine and *biochemical analysis*. This combination occurs because PET uses computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to measure *metabolic activity* in the *cells* of body tissue.

13 / 13

Assign the correct imaging type to the shown neuroimages by selecting the box with the correct answer:

1.fMRI          2. CT          3.Angio

4.MRI          5.PET

Your score is


Test - 5. Radiotherapy (Part 2: Organs at Risk and Treatment Planning)

1 / 16

Organs at Risk: Which statment is Correct?

Serial organs at risk vs. Volumetric Organs at risk

2 / 16

What common damages can be caused by radiation on which organs?

Mark boxes with the correct Statements:

3 / 16

Mark all possible OAR's concerning radiation therapy of brain tumors. (Pay attention to the Myelon and its corresponding tolerance regions)

4 / 16

Mark all possible OAR's concerning radiation therapy of breast tumors. (Pay attention to the Myelon and its corresponding tolerance regions)

5 / 16

Mark all possible OAR's concerning radiation therapy of lung tumors. (Pay attention to the Myelon and its corresponding tolerance regions)

6 / 16

Mark all possible OAR's concerning radiation therapy of HNO tumors. (Pay attention to the Myelon and its corresponding tolerance regions)

7 / 16

Which functions do the organs at risk normally have?

Mark boxes with the correct Statements:

8 / 16

There are various Target Volume abbreviations, what does GTV stand for?

9 / 16

There are various Target Volume abbreviations, what does ITV stand for?

10 / 16

There are various Target Volume abbreviations, what does PTV stand for?

11 / 16

There are various Target Volume abbreviations, what does TV stand for?

12 / 16

Who does what... ? Who is Planning the radiation?



13 / 16

Who does what... ? Who is Delineating the target volume?

Delineating the target volume

14 / 16

Who does what... ? Who takes care of the Immobilisation of the Patient?

immobilisation of the patient


15 / 16

Who does what... ? Who is Delineating Organs at Risk?

Delineating organs at risk

16 / 16

Listed bellow are Radio Treatment Steps. What order from First to Last Step is correct?

A. Follow up

B. Consultation

C. Treatment

D. Simulation

E. Treatment Planning


Your score is


Test - 5. Radiotherapy (Part 3: LINAC, Quality Assurance, Dosimetry and etc.)

1 / 12

Which Statments regarding Imaging are Correct?

2 / 12

Is this Quality Assurance aim correct?

The aim is to ensure that the patient can always be treated as reproducibly as possible over several weeks. It is very important that device parameters always remain constant and the performance characteristics of the Machine are monitored through out its life time.

3 / 12

What are some of the typical Quality assurance Checks?

4 / 12

There are three Areas of Dosimetry:

1. Reference/absolute dosimetry   2. Relative dosimetry   3. Multi-dimensional plan verification

What is Multi-dimensional plan verification?

5 / 12

Name the corresponding factors listed below, choose the box with the word in the correct order matching the order of abbreviations.

k,pT: *Air density*

k,h: *Air humidity*

k,S: *Saturation*

k,r: *Measurement location shift*

k,T: *Temperature*

6 / 12

Which types of afterloading are used in Brachytherapy?

7 / 12

Which statement is true about Gamma Radiation?

Gamma Radiation...

8 / 12

Which statement is true about Photon Radiation?

Photon Radiation...

9 / 12

What are the three Radiation protection areas mentiones in the Chapter 5. ?

10 / 12

What are the most important shielding materials?

11 / 12

Above what energy of the radiation can activation products be expected?
In physics, activation refers to the transformation of stable into unstable, radioactive substances by irradiation. Depending on the element, this occurs from a gamma energy of about...

12 / 12

What are some of the Special techniques introduced in this Chapter 5. Radiologie?

Your score is


Test - 6. Nuclear Medicine (Part 1)

1 / 9

Which Statement explaining Nuclear Medicine is correct?

2 / 9

Which 3 essential parts are needed for a working gamma camera in principle?

3 / 9

One of the most common nuclides used in nuclear medicine is Tc-99m.  It decays with a half-life of 6 hours.

How much of the original activity of Tc-99m can be expected after 9 hours?

4 / 9

How is Technetium-99m produced?

5 / 9

Positron emission tomography (PET for short) is an imaging procedure in nuclear medicine. Describe the physical decay process on which PET is based.

6 / 9

What are the main differences between PET and SPECT? What are the advantages/disadvantages of using SPECT in contrast to PET?

7 / 9

What is the most common Condition treated by Nuclear Medizine??

8 / 9

In the paragraph below, the functionality of radioiodine therapy is pictured. Type out the words in the correct order, using the same Spelling and Formatting which is given in the Selection of words.

Radioiodine therapy uses the _______ radioisotope for therapy treatment. It can be administered orally or _______. Biologically, the radioiodine is only _____ in large amounts by the ______ due to the metabolic conversion processes for the thyroid _______ production . This also pictures its main advantage: the total radiation dose is mainly _______ on the thyroid, whereas the rest of the body is affected by significantly _____  radiation exposure. By that, several disorders and Tumors located at the thyroid can be treated specifically without greater ______ on other organs.

stored / Iodine-131 / hormone / thyroid / intravenously / focused / influence / lower

stored / Iodine-131 / hormone / thyroid / intravenously / focused / influence / lower

9 / 9

For which types of disorders is radioiodine therapy used.

Your score is


Test - 6. Nuclear Medicine (Part 2)

1 / 7

What is the aim of quality assurance in nuclear medicine? Type out the goal and Fill in the missing words

Ultimate goal: safety of the ... with ... use and ... strain, and safety of ... and third parties.

2 / 7

The background count rate is also referred to as the zero effect (DE: Nulleffekt) and must be checked regularly in nuclear medicine quality assurance. How often must the background count rate be checked for gamma cameras and how is it defined?

3 / 7

What can be calculated using the formula above concerning radiophysics?

4 / 7

Above what energy of radiation can activation products be expected?
In physics, activation refers to the transformation of stable into unstable, radioactive substances by irradiation. Depending on the element, this occurs from a gamma energy of about...

5 / 7

How is linearity defined?

6 / 7

Which measurements must be carried out for combination devices?

7 / 7

How much may the measured value of the yield of an activimeter deviate from the nominal value?

Your score is


Test - 7. Radiology (Part 1: Basics & Conventional Radiology)

1 / 11

Label the X-ray tube correctly. Select the box with the correctly numbered labels.

2 / 11

Which of the following statements concerning the spectrum pictured above are true?


3 / 11

How is a Line Spectrum created?

The Line Spektrum is formed by the ejection if orbital electrons from the outer energy shell and the subsequent transitions of electrons from the outer inner shells.

4 / 11

Which Statments are correct for Electron Shells?

5 / 11

Which effect is pictured below?


6 / 11

Which Statement describes the Photo Effect?

7 / 11

Which Statement describes Rayleigh Scattering?

8 / 11

Which effect is pictured below?


9 / 11

Which Statement describes Compton scattering?

10 / 11

Rank the 5 basic densities that are distinguished in conventional radiography. Starting with the lowest density and then scaling up to highest density.

11 / 11

Which Labels are correct?

Your score is


Test - 7. Radiology (Part 2: CT)

1 / 16

Which voltage supply range is used in CT?

2 / 16

The Houndsfield Unit is the Unit of radiodensity used in CT Scans.

Which order of HU Values fits the list below?

  1. Bone
  2. Fat
  3. Water
  4. Air
  5. Lung
  6. Softtissue

3 / 16

Which types of CT scanning methods are used for imaging?

4 / 16

Which of these parameters introduced in the chapter "Radiologie" can be modified during a CT scan?

5 / 16

What is Computer Topographical Perfusion?


Computer Topographical Perfusion ...


6 / 16

Which artifacts typical for a CT Scan are Physical artefacts?

7 / 16

Which Artifacts typical for a CT Scan are Patient induced artefacts?

8 / 16

Which Artifacts typical for a CT Scan are CT-based artefacts?

9 / 16

Concerning CT-Quality-Assurance, what is meant by Uniformity?

10 / 16

What are Phantoms used for in Radiology?

Phantoms are used...

11 / 16

Which definition of the CTDI is the most fitting? Pay attention to the corresponding unit. Choose the correct answers.

12 / 16

How is a CTDIvol  acquired?

13 / 16

Which definition of the DLP is the most fitting? Pay attention to the corresponding unit. Choose the correct answers.

14 / 16

Which of the following values concerning the reference CTDI of the Cervical spine is correct?

15 / 16

Which of the following values concerning the reference CTDI of the Brain skull is correct?

16 / 16

Which of the following values concerning the reference CTDI of the Lung (high contrast) is correct?

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