Lernmodul MPE-Assistent

Strahlentherapie: Risikoorgane und Konturierung

6. Test your basic knowledge of tolerance doses in this Quiz!


Tolerance Doses

1 / 7

What does TD50/5 = 66.5 Gy mean?

2 / 7

What does V20 < 35% mean?

3 / 7

In which organs does the volume effect play a particularly important role in the tolerance doses?

4 / 7

On which research publications are the tolerance doses based?

5 / 7

Which tolerance doses were taken into account in the Emami paper in 1991?

6 / 7

When did QUANTEC (Marks et al) attempt to describe the normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) in dependence of the dose and the irradiated volume using mathematical models?

7 / 7

What do you have to consider while using the published tolerance doses in the clinic?

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