
M 82 – Cigar Galaxy

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ZWO ASI 294MC Pro Color CMOS Camera, -10.0 °C
Reducer 0.75x

M 82
Color: 4 x 300 s, Bin 1×1
20 min total exposure

Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI and Lightroom


GHOST discovers new Near-Earth Object „2022 EX“

On the 2nd of March at 20:05 (UTC) the GHOST telescope of the university observatory of Oldenburg (G01) discovered its first Near-Earth Object (NEO) since the start of observations for NEOs in July 2021 [1].* The telescope was one of the first ones that observed the object „2022 EX“ or „K22E00X“, after the ATLAS telescope on Mauna Loa (T08), Hawaii, initially found the objects about 12 hours prior at 07:35 (UTC). In total the telescope in Oldenburg was the fifth telescope world-wide that observed the object. With a visual magnitude of 18.2 mag it was a relativly bright NEO, thus more than 20 observatories observed the object in the first two days.

2022 EX is considered a „Potentially Hazardous Asteroid“ (PHA) with a size of about 170 m and a minimal orbital intersection distance with Earth of 0.01858 AU (2.8 Million km or about 7 moon distances) [2]. Eventhough it is currently not considered a risk according to the ESA risk list [3], since to current measurements it will not hit Earth in the future, it should be observed frequently to improve the predictions [4], this is why the Oldenburg telescopes are observing the object as long as it is close and bright enough [5].

Since launch of the NEO observation system in Oldenburg, both telescopes of the university observatory, GHOST and ORT, made more than 500 follow-up observations of small objects in the solar system. They submit their measurements to Minor Planet Center (MPC), which combines measurements from observatories all around the world and calculates precise orbits of these objects. This ensures that all objects that could be dangerous for Earth are tracked.

*The Oldenburg telescope did not initially discover the asteroid. It was found by the survey telescope T08 on Hawaii, but the GHOST telescope quickly made decisive verification measurements. The MPC recognizes the first observations that contributed to the essential orbit determination as a discovery.

[1] https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/mpec/K22/K22E59.html

[2] https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/db_search/show_object?utf8=%E2%9C%93&object_id=K22E00X

[3] https://neo.ssa.esa.int/risk-list

[4] https://neo.ssa.esa.int/priority-list

[5] https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/mpec/K22/K22EA5.html


GHOST Telescope in Operation

GHOST Telescope (https://wp.uni-oldenburg.de/asf/ghost/) on the roof of the university during the capture of Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) with Star-constellations (e.g., Orion) in the background.


M 1 – Crab Nebula

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -20 °C

M 1
SII: 5 x 300 s, Bin 2×2
Ha: 7 x 300 s, Bin 2×2
OIII: 4 x 300 s, Bin 2×2

Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI and Lightroom


NGC 2403

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -20 °C

NGC 2403 – 30 min LRGB

Each picture is composed out of components with L-, R-, G- and B-Filters
Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI and Lightroom


M 16 – Eagle Nebula – Green correction

The picture from the post of the Eagle Nebula from June, 17th 2021 has been reedited and the greenish color was corrected with a digital correction filter.

Here is is slider with the difference of the two pictures: [h5p id="5"]

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

SII: 5x 300 s, Bin 2×2
H-Alpha: 6x 300 s, Bin 2×2
OIII: 5x 300 s, Bin 2×2

Deep-Sky-Objekt Smart Telescope

M 51 – Whirlpool Galaxy

SLOOH Canary Islands Observatory
Canary Two Wide-Field Telescope

M 51 – 30 min L, 10 min R,G,B each

The picture is composed out of components with L-, R-, G- and B-Filters
Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI and Lightroom


NGC 654 (Open cluster)

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

NGC 654 – 80 min LRGB

Each picture is composed out of components with L-, R-, G- and B-Filters
Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI and Lightroom


NGC 457 – Owl Cluster

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

NGC 457 – 20 min LRGB

Each picture is composed out of components with L-, R-, G- and B-Filters
Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI and Lightroom


IC 1805 – Heart Nebula H-II-Region

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

IC 1805 – 80 min LRGB

Each picture is composed out of components with L-, R-, G- and B-Filters
Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI and Lightroom



TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

Sh2-173 – 60 min LRGB

Each picture is composed out of components with L-, R-, G- and B-Filters
Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI and Lightroom


Sh2-106 H-II-Region

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

Sh2-106 – 80 min LRGB

Each picture is composed out of components with L-, R-, G- and B-Filters
Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI and Lightroom


NGC 7331

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

NGC 7331 – 80 min LRGB

Each picture is composed out of components with L-, R-, G- and B-Filters
Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI and Lightroom

Astrofotography Deep-Sky-Objekt

NGC 7635 – Bubble Nebula

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

NGC 7635 – 95 min LRGB

Each picture is composed out of components with L-, R-, G- and B-Filters
Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI and Lightroom

Astrofotography Deep-Sky-Objekt

NGC 891

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

NGC 891 – 80 min LRGB

Each picture is composed out of equal components with L-, R-, G- and B-Filters
Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI and Lightroom

Astrofotography Deep-Sky-Objekt

M 13 – Hercules Globular Cluster

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

M 13 – 60 min LRGB

Each picture is composed out of equal components with L-, R-, G- and B-Filters
Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI and Lightroom

Astrofotography Deep-Sky-Objekt

NGC 6946 – Fireworks Galaxy

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

NGC 6946 – 25 min LRGB

Each picture is composed out of components with L-, R-, G- and B-Filters
Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI


Double Star Albireo – β Cygni

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

Albireo – 3 min LRGB

Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI

Astrofotography Deep-Sky-Objekt

NGC 7023 – Iris Nebula

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

NGC 7023 – 20 min LRGB

Each picture is composed out of equal components with L-, R-, G- and B-Filters
Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI

Astrofotography Deep-Sky Overview

Observations – August 10th 2021

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

Deep-Sky Observations from August 10th 2021:
Albireo – 80 s
Messier 13 – 8 min
Messier 29 – 8 min
Messier 56 – 20 min
Messier 92 – 8 min
NGC 40 – 20 min
NGC 188 – 20 min
NGC 6826 – 8 min
NGC 7129 – 20 min

Each picture is composed out of equal components with L-, R-, G- and B-Filters
Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI