Astrofotography Deep-Sky-Objekt

Andromeda-Galaxie (M31) mit dem TinyObservatorium

Hier ist der erste Test mit dem neuen Refraktor, als Ziel haben wir die bekannte Andromeda-Galaxie gewählt.

Belichtungszeit: 80 x 30s
Datenauswertung mit SiriL

Teleskop – TS-Optics PHOTOLINE 130 mm f/7
Kamera – ZWO ASI 2600MC-PRO
Montierung – AZ 2000 HPS Combi Montierung mit DT Set


Discovery of Supernova in Galaxy M 101

During the night of the 18th of May 2023, hobby astronomer and manager of the University observatory of Oldenburg, Thorsten Plaggenborg, observed the „Pinwheel-Galaxy“ Messier 101 with his own backyard observatory in the outskirts of Oldenburg. The intention was to create a pretty picture of the Galaxy, but by chance he observed a supernova explosion at an early stage. The supernova, called SN 2023ixf, was discovered by Koichi Itagaki in Japan about a day later at a brightness of 14.9 mag.

At first, it was uncertain whether the supernova was bright enough at that early time to detect in the images of Thorsten Plaggenborg, but with the help of Tobias Hoffmann, the University observatory of Oldenburg was able to clearly measure a new light source at the proposed position at around 21:10 UTC (18th of May) with a brightness of around 17.5 mag with a slight increase of brightness over the course of over one hour. The supernova can be seen in the animated picture at the bottom left of another know light source in the center of the image.

The measurement is a huge success as it is by far the earliest detection of the SN 2023ixf worldwide submitted to the AAVSO. Nevertheless, further observations at even earlier stages could be possible. It is the second time that the University observatory of Oldenburg captured a supernova explosion during its operation. Back then, SN 2014J was captured early in January 2014.

AAVSO – https://www.aavso.org
AAVSO (light curves) – https://www.aavso.org/LCGv2/

Here the full picture that was made by Thorsten Plaggenborg originally this night:


Universitätssternwarte im Adventskalenders

Die Universitätssternwarte wurde im Türchen „18“ des Adventskalenders der Universität Oldenburg gefilmt und einen kurzen Einblick in das „Große Hauptteleskop der Oldenburger Sternwarte“ (GHOST) gegeben und über die Arbeit der Sternwarte berichtet.

Mit dabei waren Prof. Dr. Björn Poppe (AG Medizinische Strahlenphysik und Space Environment), einer der Leiter der Sternwarte, sowie Tobias Hoffmann (Master Physik Student), zuständig für die Beobachtungen des Teleskops.

Ein großen Dank an Frau Silke Rudolph von der Abteilung Presse & Kommunikation der Universität Oldenburg für die tollen Aufnahmen und den Zusammenschnitt!

Quelle des Videos und mehr Informationen: https://uol.de/advent


NGC 7331 – C2PU 2022

NGC 7331 – C2PU 2022

Omicron telescope in primary focus:
1004mm/3296mm (F/3.17)

SDSSg: 7x120s
SDSSr: 7x120s
SDSSi: 7x120s

Astrofotography Deep-Sky-Objekt

NGC 7331 region

TS-Optics Hypergraph 6 (150/420 mm)
ZWO ASI 283MM Pro CMOS Camera, -20.0 °C

NGC 7331 region
Color: 123 x 180 s, Bin 1×1
369 min total exposure

Picture edited with Siril and Lightroom


M 81 – Bodes Galaxy

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ZWO ASI 294MC Pro Color CMOS Camera, -10.0 °C
Reducer 0.75x

M 81
Color: 52 x 300 s, Bin 1×1
260 min total exposure

Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI and Lightroom


M 101 – Pinwheel Galaxy

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ZWO ASI 294MC Pro Color CMOS Camera, -10.0 °C
Reducer 0.75x

M 101
Color: 34 x 300 s, Bin 1×1
170 min total exposure

Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI and Lightroom


M 82 – Cigar Galaxy

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ZWO ASI 294MC Pro Color CMOS Camera, -10.0 °C
Reducer 0.75x

M 82
Color: 4 x 300 s, Bin 1×1
20 min total exposure

Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI and Lightroom


Andromeda M31 -8,5h with Slooh Canary 3

Image taken as 345x90s stack with Slooh Canary3 telescope. Processing in Siril, Topaz AI and Pixinsight.

Deep-Sky-Objekt Smart Telescope

M 51 – Whirlpool Galaxy

SLOOH Canary Islands Observatory
Canary Two Wide-Field Telescope

M 51 – 30 min L, 10 min R,G,B each

The picture is composed out of components with L-, R-, G- and B-Filters
Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI and Lightroom


NGC 7331

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

NGC 7331 – 80 min LRGB

Each picture is composed out of components with L-, R-, G- and B-Filters
Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI and Lightroom

Astrofotography Deep-Sky-Objekt

NGC 891

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

NGC 891 – 80 min LRGB

Each picture is composed out of equal components with L-, R-, G- and B-Filters
Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI and Lightroom

Astrofotography Deep-Sky-Objekt

NGC 6946 – Fireworks Galaxy

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

NGC 6946 – 25 min LRGB

Each picture is composed out of components with L-, R-, G- and B-Filters
Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI

Astrofotography Deep-Sky-Objekt


TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

Luminance 4x 300 s, Bin 1×1
Red Filter: 2x 300 s, Bin 1×1
Green Filter: 2x 300 s, Bin 1×1
Blue Filter: 2x 300 s, Bin 1×1

Astrofotography Deep-Sky-Objekt


TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

Luminance 2x 300 s, Bin 1×1
Red Filter: 1x 300 s, Bin 1×1
Green Filter: 1x 300 s, Bin 1×1
Blue Filter: 1x 300 s, Bin 1×1

Astrofotography Deep-Sky-Objekt

M101 – Pinwheel-Galaxie

*Re-Upload with better editing*
TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

Luminance 7x 300 s, Bin 1×1
Red Filter: 3x 300 s, Bin 1×1
Green Filter: 3x 300 s, Bin 1×1
Blue Filter: 3x 300 s, Bin 1×1

Astrofotography Deep-Sky-Objekt

M82 – Zigarrengalaxie

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

Luminance 6x 300 s, Bin 1×1
Red Filter: 3x 300 s, Bin 1×1
Green Filter: 3x 300 s, Bin 1×1
Blue Filter: 3x 300 s, Bin 1×1

Astrofotography Deep-Sky-Objekt

M81 – Bodes Galaxie

*Re-Upload with better editing*

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

Luminance 4x 300 s, Bin 1×1
Red Filter: 2x 300 s, Bin 1×1
Green Filter: 2x 300 s, Bin 1×1
Blue Filter: 2x 300 s, Bin 1×1

Astrofotography Deep-Sky-Objekt

M63 – Sonnenblumen-Galaxie

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

Luminance 9x 240 s, Bin 1×1
Red Filter: 4x 240 s, Bin 1×1
Green Filter: 4x 240 s, Bin 1×1
Blue Filter: 4x 240 s, Bin 1×1

Astrofotography Deep-Sky-Objekt

M57 – Ringnebel

TS-Optics 16” f/8 RC Teleskop (406/3250 mm)
ATIK 383L+ CCD Kamera, -15 °C

Luminance 4x 300 s, Bin 1×1
Red Filter: 1x 300 s, Bin 1×1
Green Filter: 1x 300 s, Bin 1×1
Blue Filter: 1x 300 s, Bin 1×1