Astrofotography Deep-Sky-Objekt Smart Telescope

NGC 7000 – North American Nebula

TS-Optics Hypergraph 6 (150/420 mm)
ZWO ASI 294MC Pro Color CMOS Camera, 0.0 °C

NGC 7000
Luminance: 66 x 120 s exposures
132 min total exposure

Picture edited with Siril and Lightroom

Allgemein Smart Telescope

Oldenburg University Observatory most active telescope in Northern Europe

The University Observatory of Oldenburg achieved to make the most observations of asteroids, comets and Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) in the northern Europe area in 2022. All these observations of all observatories world-wide are collected and used by the MinorPlanetCenter (MPC) of the International Astronomical Union (IAU). In total, the Oldenburg telescopes made 576 observations in this year, which is the most in Northern Germany [1] and Northern Europe [2].

Most of the observations were made with the „Große Hauptteleskop der Oldenburger Sternwarte“ (GHOST), a 40 cm Ritchey-Chrétien-Telescope. It was transformed to a robotic telescope in 2021 for asteroids detection and since then continuously makes observation, when the weather is suitable. The robotic observation pipeline was published in October 2022 and can be accessed here under [3].

If you are interested in the observatory and its telescopes, please feel free to contact us: astrophysik@uol.de

[1] Northern Germany includes: Bremen, Berlin, Hamburg, Schleswig Holstein, Mecklenburg Western Pomerania, Brandenburg and Lower Saxony
[2] Northern Europe includes in this case: Northern Germany, Denmark, The Netherlands, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
[3] https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fspas.2022.895732/full

Deep-Sky-Objekt Smart Telescope

M 51 – Whirlpool Galaxy

SLOOH Canary Islands Observatory
Canary Two Wide-Field Telescope

M 51 – 30 min L, 10 min R,G,B each

The picture is composed out of components with L-, R-, G- and B-Filters
Picture edited (denoised and sharpened) with TOPAZ-AI and Lightroom

Deep-Sky-Objekt Smart Telescope

NGC 6334 – Cat’s Paw Nebula

iTelescope T30:
Telescope: Planewave 20“ CDK (508mm f/6.8)

4x300s Halpha
4x300s Oiii
4x300s Sii

Astrofotography Deep-Sky-Objekt Smart Telescope

IC 443 Quallennebel (SN-Remnant, Zwillinge)

ca 500 Aufnahmen a 10s an 4 Abenden, Nachbearbeitung in Pixinsight und Fotoshop