I learnt a lot during the ONL course and I also had a good time with my PBL-Group. The best thing best were the discussions in the group with really expanded my knowledge base.
Also it was nice to get different views from different countries so that I could come out of my German influenced “learning-bubble” and get a new point of view.
I am a bit sad that the course is already over but also happy because it did coast a lot of time and effort.
Thank you all for the great time =)
Design for online learning
This week was all about online and blended learning.
In my facility we are normally using a blended learning design.
Starting with some text-input and an online questionnaire and than a first in-person meeting. In the first meeting the participants get some more information for the topic and they organize themselves into groups for the exam. The meeting is followed up with a online phase where they work in groups on there topic and a presentation. At the end of the course is another in-person meeting where the groups present there results.
Now with the coronavirus still spreading in-person meetings are not possible anymore and everything has to be online. So all our teachers have to switch to an online learning design.
This is still very difficult and many teachers are struggling with technical and didactic issues ore the lac of time to replan everything. We are supporting them as best as we can and it’s very interesting to see the results of the courses.
We try to break the in-person meetings into smaller units and don’t do long online-meeting sessions. Also tools like mentimeter are great to to bring more discussion into the meetings.
What is your experience with online-learning in the current situation?
Collaborative Learning
In this topic I reflected the benefits and restrictions of collaborative learning.
I think sometimes collaborative learning is a new hype but it’s not adequate for every topic or every group. I think the biggest advantages for me are the possibility to discuss a topic and to collect new ideas. You can get really creative and think outside your bubble. But to get a result like a presentation or a paper is far more time consuming in a group.
For teaching my idea is to use collaborative learning in a later state of a topic. I would start with some materials or videos so that everybody can get a first impression of the topic by themselves and use collaborative learning for a later discussion or to collect ideas about possible exam topics.
So what do you think is a good learning-scenario for collaborative learning?
Open Educational Ressources
This Week we talked a lot about OER (Open Educational Ressources) and our experiences with them.
For me OER are an ideal tool for learning especially in higher education. I think it’s very important to publish articles and research findings in general open and free. Therefore everyone no matter of there country or status has access to them.
But there are many obstacles for OER:
- most people do not upload materials but only download them
- there are many different platforms for OER so that it’s hard to find material
- the licensing can be a problem, especially in Germany with our restrictive copyright law
These are just a few problems for OER.
For me I have decided to publish something as an OER this year
Digital literacies in the Corona-Pandemic
For me and I think many other participants of the course a lot happened this week.
Last week everything was nearly normal and now I am doing home-office and I’m only leaving my apartment to by groceries.
Everything important is now transferred to the web. Work, hobbies, friends and family. Everything is digital these days while the streets are getting empty.
So for me digital literacies are getting more important than ever.
Two important Questions for me this week:
– How can I get reliable information about the pandemic in Germany?
– How can we help teachers to transfer there blendet-learning courses to completely online-courses?
That also got my thinking about the experiment we did with David White on Friday. We drew the visitor-resident scale and added personal-institutional as the content.
And within a week my image already changed because of the pandemic:
I never used a chat function or webinars for work, but now we have to.
And I think in the following weeks it will change even more towards the resident-site.
So how is this pandemic changing the digital literacies of our society?
Hello World!
So here it is: My own and first blog.
… and it’s as empty as my mind.
Where should I start? What should I write?