RBL Group Tools

Here you will find a map with some of the group tools that can be used to enhance the phases of a research-based learning process.

View the RBL group tools mind map:

In the pull-down menu of RBL Group Tools, you can select which kind of tools you want to know more about though the blog posts.

In the comments’ field you can propose other useful specific tools for the different categories.

Useful tips to use the external tools with students

  • Give options in which the students do not need to create accounts to use the tools (no required registration)
  • In the case they need to create accounts, students could use disposable email accounts or the teacher can create one for the class. They can be conveniently created in different websites (see, e.g., this link) and allow the student to use the tool without giving personal information to the providers.

One thought on “RBL Group Tools

  1. Dr. phil. Ingo Roden

    In einer kleinen Befragung hat sich gezeigt, dass die Studierenden insgesamt zufrieden bis sehr zufrieden mit dem Einsatz der Tool in der FOL sind. Allerdings zeigt sich auch, dass herkömmliche “analoge” Übung- und Arbeitsblätter zum Erstellen eines Forschungsdesign insgesamt besser bewertet wurden.


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