We are proud to present our Research-Based Learning (RBL) Tools in this extended format!
For that, we have prepared a list of group tools with their main characteristics, as well as another list with their correspondence to each of the phases of the RBL processes. Feel free to take a look, to give some of them a chance and to give us feedback below this same post to improve and increase the list.
You can also find them on the page “Tools für die Gruppenarbeit” below the mindmap of tools.
RBL Tools Characteristics:
[embeddoc url=”https://wp.uni-oldenburg.de/edidactics/wp-content/uploads/sites/143/2019/07/RBL-Tools-Table-3.1.pdf” height=”80%” download=”all”]
Correspondence of RBL Tools with the RBL phases:

This work is connected to what was presented in:
Marín, V. I. (2019). Research-based Learning enhanced by Technology in Higher Education: a Comparative Analysis of Tools. In: E. Vaquero, E. Brescó, F., J. L. Coiduras, & F. X. Carrera (Ed.): EDUcación con TECnología : un compromiso social. Iniciativas y resultados de investigaciones y experiencias de innovación educativa (pp. 459-471). Lleida: Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida; Palma de Mallorca: Asociación EDUTEC. doi: 10.21001/edutec.2019